Archive > AO 0.6 support

CentOS issue


Hey guys

I moved to a new server running CentOS, trying to start BeBot I get this weird one:

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in /home/****/bots/bebot/Sources/Conf.php on line 47
PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Conf::$cf in /home/****/bots/bebot/Sources/Conf.php on line 70
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in /home/****/bots/bebot/StartBot.php on line 74
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pw in /home/****/bots/bebot/StartBot.php on line 100

Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/****/bots/bebot/Main.php on line 298
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pw in /home/****/bots/bebot/StartBot.php on line 100

I have seen some threads on similar problems, but not exactly like this. Any ideas?


After getting the updated release that works with PHP5.4 these errors are now gone, however like another community member has posted there is another issue:

Your bot configuration is outdated or corrupted.
Please check its contents against the template.PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pw in /home/suncrusher/bots/bebot2/StartBot.php on line 94

When I'm trying to setup the bot receiving this...OS is debian7 64bit

Your bot configuration is outdated or corrupted. please check its contants against the template.PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pw in /home/Bots/Bot1/StartBot.php on line 94

and installation do not want to proceed...

Please could You help me to fix it

This basically checks that your configuration file contains the line
$conf_version = 1;

Your configuration file is either missing entirely or missing parts it should contain. Refer to the template file.
This should probably be made a non fatal error or the error message revised to make it more clear.

as this is the 1st topic I found about Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed and as I didn't find the "new" version I just fixed the code brute force:

find . -type f | xargs sed -i 's/&\$/\$/g'

removes the invalid &$ in all files found. That fix is required for all current php versions.


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